Why would a Mediator recommend a Therapist ?

Though the goal of divorce mediation is to end a marriage in a way that is civilized, dignified and non-adversarial, that same divorce or separation is probably one of the most stressful transitions in anyone's life. Divorce can be so stressful, that even during the course of mediation, either spouse may feel a need for help with coping. For many, counseling is often helpful. A knowledgeable and competent therapist helps people deal with the pain, anger and grief of divorce.

"Mediation Knowledgable Therpaist" is a therapist that recognizes the reality of the divorce and the mediation process to bring closure to the marriage, but not closure to the on-going relationship the two people may continue in the future because of the need to co-parent or jointly resolve issues in the future. Emotionally, many people deal with divorce the same way they deal with a death. They need to work through the same emotional stages: shock and denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Unfortunately, without professional help, some people get stuck in one of these stages. Since the goal of the therapy is to deal with breaking up and moving on to a new life, it can be done in conjunction with mediation. The right therapist can help make coming to a settlement a realistic and responsible method for solving family issues. Seeing the therapists as respected clinical resources, the use of which often results in smoother, less stressful and more powerful mediation.

We have compiled a list of therapists that we feel are understandingof what you are experiencing during the separation or divorce and work efficently for their clients as they move through the mediation process and the redefinition of their life.. We do not represent that any of these therapist are better than others nor do we have any financial or other connections with them. You are encouraged to interview several of them and to decide which one, if any, is best for you and your situation.